Requesting feedback from colleagues

You can request feedback from your colleagues via your Dashboard.  Please ensure that you request feedback from as many colleagues as necessary to receive at least 7 responses (MSAN 360 recommends 7 colleague responses but can release the report with less if requested). If you wish your report to be completed with less than 7 returns we will add the following disclaimer: ‘Please note that there are fewer than the recommended 7 returns, so please treat the results with caution.’

If you wish to send any details regarding your request for feedback to your colleagues before entering their details, we have a template email which can be amended and sent. You can find this under ‘Info for Nurses’. 


Guidance on selecting colleague assessors


Colleagues who you wish to collect feedback from must be representative of the teams within which you work. They should include other nurses, other medical staff such as GPs with whom you work closely, other clinical professionals, secretarial/admin and management staff. The aim is to have a broad perspective from others on how well you are performing, and for them to highlight areas of good practice and areas for further development.  

Impact on results

Could allowing nurses choose their own list of colleague recipients bias their results? Experience from other 360 appraisal tools would suggest that this is not the case - in fact it is possible that colleagues who view you positively are more likely to give considered and constructive positive feedback and identify areas for improvement.

How to compile a list of colleague recipients

The College cannot review the selection of assessors (colleagues) with individuals.  We suggest that whenever possible, participants should discuss in advance with their appraiser the list of assessors they are planning to invite to complete questionnaire. 

Requesting feedback

Once you have entered your colleague’s details and clicked ‘Send Email’, the system will automatically send an email to the recipient. The email will explain what MSAN 360 is, and why you are requesting the feedback. The email will also contain a link to the feedback questionnaire which is linked directly to your assessment. This will allow the outcomes to be automatically included in your report. 

To access the link, the recipient will need to enter their email address (this is the same as the one you would have entered when sending the request, so do ensure this is an up to date and accurate email address).

Every 7 days, the system will send out an automated reminder to the recipient. These reminder emails will continue to be sent until the recipient has completed the feedback, the assessment is closed, or the recipient has declined to give feedback.

Removing colleague details

Recipients have the option to not give feedback. In these cases, the recipient will contact the MSAN 360 team stating that they do not wish to participate, and the MSAN 360 team will delete their details from the system - you may not be notified.

Reports of emails not being sent

The system automatically sends the feedback request email and the reminder emails. Sometimes these emails are marked as junk/spam. If you are informed that recipients are not receiving these emails, please explore the following options:

  • Double check that the correct email address has been entered for the colleague and that this is spelt correctly.
  • Ask your colleagues to check their junk/spam folders.
  • If both the above actions have been completed, contact the MSAN 360 team.


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