Dear Colleague

MSAN 360 Multi-Source Assessment for Nurses

As part of my professional development, I am taking part in a system for assessing the quality of the work of nurses, which is managed by the Royal College of Psychiatrists. This gathers feedback from a range of people who are affected by my work including colleagues, other members of the clinical team, administrative and management staff and patients.

I have selected you as a colleague, who I would like to invite to assess me as part of this process. Your participation is voluntary. If you are willing to help me with this, please reply to this email and I shall enter your email address on to my MSAN 360 assessment survey page run by the Royal College of Psychiatrists. You will then receive an email containing a link to the questionnaire which takes around 15 minutes to complete online.

Your responses will be confidential. You will not be asked to enter your name in the questionnaire. I will receive a summary of the grouped responses of my colleagues and I will not see the questionnaire that you have completed. I will not know who has responded or be able to attribute any response to an individual.

Your email address will only be used by the Royal College of Psychiatrists to direct you to the online questionnaire.

Yours sincerely

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